How Buddhism Affects Life


More and more people are beginning to understand the wisdom of Buddhism and to change their attitude toward life and themselves. This article is about how studying this Eastern religion and everything related to it can make your life better.

Buddhism is more of a philosophy aimed at working on yourself and your consciousness than a religion. The main distinguishing feature of Buddhism is that it is not imposed or advertised to anyone – you have to come to it yourself in search of answers to your life questions.

Over time, you will begin to realize that things are not so important to happiness, that you can do with a minimum set of household items for a comfortable life.

You will no longer chase after new gadgets imposed by advertising, you will realize that even with the old and already native smartphone or laptop is quite comfortable. This will manifest itself in everything from going out to eat to shopping for clothes. You will get rid of this modern disease: stuffiness.

You will become much more tolerant of everything that happens in the world, including people who do not share your views on life.

Every time you interact with a person you will understand that all people are different and everyone has their own way to happiness, even if it seems quite crazy to you. After all, all religions say the same thing, just in different languages.

Healthy Lifestyle
As a consequence of studying the philosophy of Buddhism, you will gradually realize how good it is to have a healthy way of thinking, and without a healthy lifestyle it is impossible.

You will study all your bad habits and start to get rid of them, because this way you will be freer and therefore much happier. You will realize that alcohol and other intoxicating substances have a detrimental effect on your consciousness, it becomes clouded and doesn’t belong to you under their influence, and this harms your constant work on yourself.

In Buddhism, meditation is one of the main tools for keeping your mind clear and finding your “self”. You will learn to meditate, even if it seems strange at first. Then it will become a useful habit.

Buddhism teaches you to be flexible and not to go to extremes in your beliefs. All our ideas of what is good and what is bad are born of subjective perception. There is no black and white – everything is relative.

The closest you can come to conscious actions is when you detach yourself from your subjective views and selfish intentions. Decisions will be made not under the influence of emotions, but by constructing logical chains. Of course, they may be wrong too, but we are all here to learn.

You can help not only your loved ones, but also other people, those who are in need. You will become more sympathetic to those whom you did not notice or did not want to notice before.

A kind attitude toward others is the way to yourself, to the purification of consciousness. You won’t need gratitude, you will help others simply because you have to, no other way, “who else but me.

You will become as calm as an elephant, stop grumbling and worrying about nothing. Some people will be stressed by your calmness, people are used to pouring everything out, but you just won’t have anything to pour out, because you are “empty. You will be calm with other people, with yourself, with your problems. After all, everything is relative, you just need to look at what is happening from a different angle.

Personal life
There will also be metamorphoses in your personal life. Your understanding of your partner will improve, you will learn to better care for a loved one and appreciate him more.

Uncommon knowledge
If you didn’t know about reincarnation, mantras and samsara before, Buddhism will expand your knowledge and thesaurus.

You will start to accept some things within yourself, even though you used to think that this was nothing. You will especially like the idea of human rebirth (reincarnation): in the next life you could very well become an astronaut or a baobab, and it depends on how you live that life.

Personal Growth
The wheel of your personal qualities, thanks to the Buddhist approach, will begin to unwind with new force: you will become more disciplined, calm, responsible, observant. The growth will occur evenly, without obvious distortions.

You’ll notice that you’re getting better as a person, and other people will notice it. You will become more aware of your reality and control your relationship to events. Your inner strength and energy will grow day by day and your optimistic attitude will become your best ally on the way to success.

Buddhism is an ancient philosophy of searching for oneself, working on one’s mind and attitude toward life. It does not impose its rules and foundations. Even if you don’t accept everything Buddhism teaches (such as belief in reincarnation, samsara and karma), but only some of it, this knowledge can make your life better.